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Chinese translation for "d notice"

〔英国〕 D号通告,国防保密通告〔政府的一项备忘录,要求报纸不要刊登某些涉密消息,以确保国防安全〕。

Related Translations:
notice:  n.1.注意;认识。2.情报,消息;通知,预告,警告;(正式)通告;呈报。3.(辞退,解雇等的)预先通知。4.公告,告示,布告,招贴。 5. (报刊等上对戏剧,图书等的)介绍,评介,批评,短评。6.客气;有礼的招呼。短语和例子I commend her to your notice. 请多关照关照她。 a notice of a call 催缴股款通知书。 a notice
notice board:  布告牌。
reading notice:  (排在报纸第一页底部的)小广告。
cinch notice:  〔美国〕对成绩不良的警告。
d:  短语和例子D flat 【音乐】降 D 调。 D major [minor] 【音乐】 D 大调[小调]。 D sharp 【音乐】升 D 调。 a D student 劣等生。 a D slide valve D 形滑阀。短语和例子CD = 400. DC = 600.
d and d:  短语和例子D and D, D & D= 〔美俚〕1.drunk and disorderly (警察用语)酒醉后扰乱治安的。2.deaf and dumb 又聋又哑的;〔比喻〕装聋作哑的(尤指因为怕报复而对坏事不加告发)。
d s:  D S, D.S=Doctor of Science 理学博士。
pd d:  Pd D, Pd.D.=Doctor of Pedagogy 教育学博士。
d t:  D T, D.T.=Doctor of Theology 神学博士。
in d:  in d =〔L.〕 in diēs (处方用语)每日。
Example Sentences:
1.L ' ve been hoping you ' d quit hoping l ' d notice ,
2.L ' ve been hoping you ' d quit hoping l ' d notice ,
3.L ' ve been hoping that you ' d notice ,
4.L ' ve been hoping that you ' d notice ,
5.* you ' d notice him *
6.You ' d notice him
7.I ' d notice
8.Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs , the " financial times " and the " economist ? not so you ' d notice
9.The first thing you ' d notice is that all the programmers are in a room together , usually sitting around a large table in the middle of the room
10.The lawyer done it , and says : " i believe it s so - and if it ain t so , there s a heap stronger resemblance than i d noticed before , anyway
律师照着对了一下,然后说: “我相信是这么一回事即使不是这样,反正比我早先注意到的,有一大堆相似的地方。
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